Your environmental footprint

Journée de la Terre article de blog

Today is an important day, it is Earth Day.
On this day, which should be celebrated this year, we must emphasize the importance of a healthy planet, because without it we do not exist.
Therefore, we will certainly not deny the harmful environmental impact of textiles, but being in the industry, we must defend the importance of the longevity of a garment.

Clothing is a basic need for everyone. On the other hand, it is not necessary to repurchase the same item 15 times during the year.
We sometimes hear in stores “$169 for a cardigan!” At that price I can buy 4 elsewhere”
Obviously, at several retailers it is possible to buy 10 cardigans for the price of one at La Raffinerie . On the other hand, our $169 cardigan will not need to be replaced 10 times a year. An item that costs more is not expensive for the sake of it. Behind this cardigan is a dedicated, meticulous and passionate team. Our $169 cardigan is durable, original and thoughtful.

The value of an item is also linked to the use you make of it. If a sweater costs $10 I agree that it seems like a good deal for your wallet. On the other hand, you wear it twice and after one wash it is no longer the same item; It has shrunk, the seam is twisted and the appearance of the sweater just isn't the same. For $10 it will have been worn twice which costs you $5 per use. If, on the other hand, you buy one for $75, but you are able to wear it a minimum of 15 times, your sweater has already paid for itself.

Local purchasing is also part of the environmental issue. Many of our companies are from Quebec including Dailystory , Selv , Horace , Un Art de Vivre , Kase Me , etc. These companies therefore travel few kilometers to reach our store and for us, these kilometers are important. In addition, they try to contribute in their own way to the preservation of our planet, including Kase Me , which has partnered with the non-profit organization Offset Earth, which aims to plant as many trees as possible to reforest forests. . In 2020, Kase Me planted 40,000 trees


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